Visit Historic Stagville
In 1860, Stagville was part of a vast plantation where the Bennehan and Cameron families enslaved over nine hundred people. Once one of the largest plantations in North Carolina, Historic Stagville now inspires new understanding about the history of slavery through preservation, interpretation, research, genealogy, and descendant engagement. The historic site preserves a Bennehan family house (c. 1799), the Horton Grove slave quarters (c. 1851), a barn (1860), and 165 acres of land.
Historic Stagville is a Site of Conscience and a site of memory.
Location and Hours
Historic Stagville
5828 Old Oxford Highway
Durham, N.C. 27712
Tuesday – Saturday
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Closed Sunday, Monday, and designated state holidays
Admission and outdoor self-guided tours are free.
Guided tours are $2. A discount is available for children, seniors, veterans and active military.