Town Creek Indian Mound State Historic Site will host a day long archaeology workshop sponsored by The Friends of Town Creek Indian Mound Inc. that will fulfil many of the requirements for the Scouting America Archaeology Merit Badge. Through presentations and hands on activities, participants will learn about the science of archaeology, field methods, research questions, and career opportunities. The program will conclude with a guided tour of the site to learn how archaeological practices revealed the history of the Mississippian village at Town Creek.
The workshop will begin at 9am and will include several breaks, an hour-long lunch break, and conclude by 4pm. The program is open to scout troops and individual middle or high school students interested in science and history. Pre-registration is required and will cost $10 per participant. Space is limited and registration ends at 4pm on May 10th. Please call 910-439-6802 or email for more information. Proceeds benefit The Friends of Town Creek Indian Mound Inc., which supports programs at Town Creek Indian Mound State Historic Site.