Town Creek Under the Stars: Leo and Thunderbird

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Join us for an evening beneath one of the last great dark sky sites in the North Carolina piedmont! The event kicks off at 7pm with the auditorium presentation “What’s Up?” – an introduction to the planisphere, an overview of sights to be seen this evening. Then, beginning at 7:30pm, Site telescopes will be available, or bring your own, to observe Mars, Jupiter, and constellations including The Great Panther, Thunderbird, and Leo. Participants should dress for the cold and may wish to bring a red light to help them see in the darkness. Chairs and blankets welcome!

The cost is $5.00 per person and preregistration is required.  Register by calling or emailing Town Creek at 910-439-6802 or  Cash and Mastercard/Visa accepted at the gate on the day of.