A Bibliography
A Bibliography for Charlotte Hawkins Brown and the Palmer Memorial Institute
Manuscript Collections
CHB and PMI Files, N.C. Department of Cultural Resources, Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum.
CHB Papers, Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Commission on Interracial Cooperation Papers, Trevor Arnett Library, Atlanta University.
Frank Porter Graham Papers, Southern Historical Collection, UNC.
National Council of Negro Women Papers, The National Archives for Black Women's History, Washington, D.C.
CHB and PMI Files, Vance H. Chavis Branch, Greensboro Public Library, Greensboro Public Library, Greensboro, North Carolina.
"$75,000 Gift Offered to Palmer." Greensboro Daily News, January 14, 1925.
"Assumes Duties in Fall on 1952." Greensboro Daily News, August 25, 1951. Dannett, pp. 64 - 74.
Baker, Joseph V., ed. "'A Bit of New England' in North Carolina." The Brown American. Philadelphia, PA, The Institute of Industrial Race Relation. 1:2 (Summer 1958): 20 - 38.
"Black Education." Raleigh Magazine. Raleigh, North Carolina, 1901 - 1970.
"Book a Tribute to Pioneer." The Greensboro Record. Saturday, August 13, 1977. A7.
Brown, Anna S. L. "Alice Freeman Palmer Institute." Opportunity 1:8 (August 23): 246 - 268.
Brown, Charlotte Hawkins. "Blazing a New Trail." The American Missionary (March 1928): 121 - 122.
Brownlee, Fred Leslie. "She Did It." The American Missionary (1927): 711-712.
Carolina Times, 15 January 1938
"Columbia University Women Cheer Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown." Journal and Guide. Saturday, February 23, 1946.
Dannett, Mrs. Sylvia G. L. "Profiles of Negro Womanhood." Volume II The Negro Heritage Library. Yonkers: Educational Heritage, Inc., pp. 59 - 63.
"Dolly Madison Award." Greensboro Record, January 6, 1971.
"Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown." Who's Who in Colored America. 7th edition, 1950, p. 61 - 62.
"Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown Founders' Day Speaker." The Carolina Times. 5 November 1938.
Chittenden, Elizabeth F. "As We Climb: Mary Church Terrell." Negro History Bulletin 38 (1975): 351-354.
Garrett, Lula Jones. "Women of the World Want Freedom in the U.S.A., too . . ." Afro-American. November 2, 1946.
"Gets Ovation at World Conference." Journal and Guide. December 22, 1945.
Hancock, Gordon Blaine. "At Calm Sedalia." Norfolk Journal and Guide. 28 Nov 1931.
"H. E. Bragg Named Head of Palmer." Greensboro Daily News, August 27, 1966.
"Her Dream Became a Reality." The Greensboro Record (North Carolina) Saturday, August 13, 1977.
Hunter, Tera. "The Correct Thing: Charlotte Hawkins Brown and the Palmer Memorial Institute." Southern Exposure. 11:51 (September/October 1983): 37 - 43.
"Institute Acquired Brown Home." Greensboro Record, October 4, 1961.
Johnson, Isaac J. "50 Years with Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown." The Afro-American (Washington, D.C.) January 21, 1961.
"Pattern for Living." The Message Magazine. (June 1953)
Johnson, John H., ed. "Finishing School: Wealthiest Families Send Children to Highly-rated Palmer to Become Ladies and Gentlemen." Ebony 11:12. (October 1947): 22 - 27.
McCluskey, Audrey Thomas. "We Specialize in the Wholly Impossible." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 2 (Winter 1997): 403 - 426.
Miller, Eugene. "She Built a School on Labor, Dignity." The State. 95:22 (October 27, 1951) 3 - 4.
"Negro Veteran Teacher Wades into Bigger Job." News and Observer (Raleigh), October 29, 1946.
"Palmer Forward Movement." Greensboro Daily News, March 3, 1971.
"Palmer Institute Ends Artist Residency Program with Recital." Greensboro Daily News, July 16, 1967.
"Palmer Institute Funds Sought." Greensboro Daily News, April 11, 1971.
"Palmer May Close Doors." Greensboro Daily News, January 30, 1970.
"Palmer Will Hold Benefit Dinner." Greensboro Record, December 3, 1970.
"Palmer Will Start 68th Year." Greensboro Daily News, August 29, 1970.
"People of Henderson Present $1,400 to Institute at Sedalia." Greensboro Daily News, April 21, 1947.
Schlosser, Jim. "Historic Site Honoring Black Moves Forward." Greensboro Daily News. 4 November 1983.
"The School That Charlotte Built." Spectator Magazine. 1:13 (June 7 - 13, 1984) 5.
Smith, Sandra N., and Earle H. West. "Charlotte Hawkins Brown." Journal of Negro Education. 51:3 (1982) 191 - 206.
Wadelington, Charles. "Charlotte Hawkins Brown and the Development of the Palmer Memorial Institute Curriculum: It's Founding Philosophy." Journal of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society. 10 (1989) 104 - 116.
"Wilhelmina Crosson Named President of Palmer Memorial Institute at Sedalia." Greensboro Daily News, August 25, 1951.
"Charlotte Hawkins Brown" and "Palmer Memorial Institute." North Carolina Historical Room, Greensboro Public Library.
"Charlotte Hawkins Brown" and "Palmer Memorial Institute." Southeast Branch, Greensboro Public Library, Greensboro, North Carolina.
"Collection of North Carolina Materials." W. C. Jackson Library, The University of North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina.
D.H. Hill Library (North Carolina State University.) "Bound Collection of Articles on Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown." Opportunity. Raleigh, North Carolina, 1901 - 1975.
"Index to Vital Statistics (Deaths)." Microfilm Room, North Carolina Archives. Raleigh: North Carolina, 1961.
"Register of Births." Raleigh: North Carolina, 1880 - 1884.
"The Early Life of Charlotte Hawkins Brown and the Founding of Palmer Memorial Institute." North Carolina Humanities Committee (Women of Guilford,) Seminar: Video Program. Greensboro, North Carolina, 1981.
"Interviews with Three Palmer Memorial Institute Presidents: Wilhelmina Crosson, Harold Bragg, and Charles Bundridge." North Carolina Humanities Committee.
"Interviews with Staff, Faculty, and Alumni of Palmer Memorial Institute." Greensboro: North Carolina Humanities Committee.
"Activities and Accomplishments of Palmer Memorial Institute Alumni." Greensboro: North Carolina Humanities Committee.
Webb, Vina (Wadlington) (Mrs. H. E. Webb, Sr.) "Charlotte Brown as I Knew Her." 1965.
"Wilhelmina M. Crosson Reports on Intercultural Education in Mexico." Negro History Bulletin. X (December, 1946.) pp. 55 - 60, 68 - 71.
Women for Democracy: Harniel G. Hosmer. "Boston Teachers Newsletter," XXX (March, 1943), p. 64.
Baker, Delton Roosevelt. "Black Education in North Carolina During Reconstruction and Its Aftermath." Master thesis, North Carolina State University, 1983.
DeBerry, Charles. "A Study of the History and Development of Palmer Memorial Institute." Master thesis, School of Education, New York, 1953.
Hoffman, Lydia Charles. "Minding and Marketing Manners in the Jim Crow South: Charlotte Hawkins Brown and the Palmer Memorial Institute." Master thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1997.
Hurley, Charles Francis, Jr. "Slavery in Ante-Bellum North Carolina, 1783 - 1861: A Study Based on Travelers' Writings." Master thesis, North Carolina State University, 1973.
Klain, Zora. "Quaker Contributions to Education in North Carolina." Master thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1924.
Linthicum, Nancy Smith. "The American Missionary Association and North Carolina Freedmen, 1863 - 1868." Master thesis, North Carolina State University, 1977.
Books, Pamphlets, and Reports
Charlote Hawkins Brown and Palmer Memorial Institute. Charles W. Wadelington and Richard F. Knapp (See entry below)
Ashmore, Harry S. The Negro and the Schools. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1954.
Babinowitz, Howard N., ed. Southern Black Leaders of the Reconstruction Era. Urbana: University of Illinois P, 1982.
Birmingham, Stephen. Certain People: America's Black Elite. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1977.
Blackburn, George T., II, General Chairman. "The Heritage of Vance County, North Carolina, Volume I, 1984."
Bond, Horace Mann. The Education of the Negro in the American Social Order. New York: Octagon Books, Inc., 1966.
Brawley, Benjamin. Negro Builders and Heroes. Chapel Hill, NC: U of North Carolina P, 1937.
Brown, Charlotte Hawkins. "A Biography." Updated: 19 p. In Schlesinger Library of Women in America. Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
"The Christian Teacher: The Hope of Negro America." In Can I Get a Witness?: Prophetic Religious Voices of African American Women, ed. Marcia Y. Riggs, 92. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1997.
The Correct Thing to Do, To Say, To Wear. This book and Brown's Mammy: An Appeal to the Heart of the Southhave been recently reprinted, in a single volume, for the African American Women Writers Series.
The Correct Thing To Do, To Say, To Wear. Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1941.
"Fund Raising for Palmer Memorial Institute." In Black Women in White America: A Documentary History I, ed. Gerda Lerner, 124 - 132. New York: Vintage Books, 1972.
Mammy: An Appeal to the Heart of the South. Boston: The Pilgrim Press, 1919.
The Negro and the Social Graces. Address on "Wings Over Jordan." Columbia Broadcasting System. 10 March 1940.
"Speaking Up for the Race at Memphis, Tennessee." Lecture at 1920 Memphis Conference, United Federation of Women's Clubs. Memphis, Tennessee. 8 October 1920.
"Suing for her Rights." In Black Women In White America: A Documentary History, ed. Gerda Lerner, 124 0 132. New York: Vintage Books, 1972.
Brown, Hallie Quinn. Homespun Heroines and Other Women Builders. Xenia, Ohio: Aldine Publishing Co., 1926.
Brown, Hugh Visitor. A History of the Education of Negroes in North Carolina. Raleigh, NC: Irving Swain Press, Inc., 1961.
E-Quality Education in North Carolina. 1964.
Bullock, Henry Allen. A History of Negro Education in the South From 1619 to the Present. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967.
Burdolph, Richard. The Negro Vanguard. New York: Holt, Rinehart and C., 1959.
Carter, Wilmoth A. The New Negro of the South. New York: Exposition Press, 1967.
The Urban Negro in the South. New York: Vantage Press, 1961.
Coates, Albert. By Her Bootstraps: A Saga of Women in North Carolina. Chapel Hill: Albert Coats, 1975.
Commission on Interracial Cooperation, Inc. The Durham Statement 20 October 1942, The Atlanta Statement 8 April 1943, The Richmond Statement 16 June 1943. Atlanta, Georgia: Commission on Interracial Cooperation, Inc., 1943.
Contributions of Black Women in America. Volume II. "Charlotte Hawkins Brown."
Cooper, Anna J. The Voice From the South by a Black Woman of the South. Xenia, Ohio: The Aldine Printing House, 1892.
Cozart, Leland Stanford. A History of the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools 1934 - 1965. Charlotte, North Carolina: Heritage Printers, Inc., 1967.
Dabney, Charles W. Universal Education in the South. Volume II. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of north Carolina Press, 1936, pp. 479 and 503.
Daniel, Sadie Iola. "Charlotte Hawkins Brown: A Migrant to the North." In Women Builders. Washington, D.C.: The Associated Publishers, Inc., 1931.
Davis, Lenwood G. The Black Woman in American Society: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1975.
A Travel Guide to Black Historical Sites and Landmarks in North Carolina. Winston-Salem, NC: Bandit Books, 1991.
Debnam, W. E. Segregation. Raleigh: W. E. Debnam, 1955.
Doyle, Betram W. The Etiquette of Race Relations in the South. Chicago: The U of Chicago P, 1937.
Franklin, John Hope, and Meier, August, eds. Black Leaders of the Twentieth Century. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1982.
An Illustrated History of Black Americans. New York: Time - Life Books, 1970.
Gatewood, Willard B., Jr. Black Americans and the White Man's Burden, 1898 - 1903. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1975.
Gavins, Raymond. The Perils and Prospects of Southern Black Political Leadership: Gordon Blaine Hancock, 1884 - 1970. Durham, North Carolina: Duke U P, 1977.
Gilmore, Glenda Elizabeth. Gender and Jim Crow: Women and the Politics of White Supremacy in North Carolina. Winston-Salem, NC: Bandit Books, 1991.
Gobbel, Luther L. Church - State Relationships in Education in North Carolina Since 1776. Durham: Duke University Press, 1938.
Hill, Ray. Rhetoric of Revolt. Denver, Colorado: Golden Bell Press, 1964, pp. 84 - 91.
"Historical Negro Biographies." International Library of Negro Life and History. Wilhemina S. Robinson. New York: Publishers Co., pp. 167 - 168.
Holmes, Dwight Oliver Wendell. The Evolution of the Negro College. Concord, N. H.: The Rumford Press, 1934.
Hull, Gloria T., Patricia Bell Scott, and Barbara Smith, eds. All the Women are White, All the Blacks are Men, But Some of Us are Brave: Black Women's Studies. New York: The Feminist Press, 1982.
Jordan, Paula Stahls. Women of Guilford County, North Carolina: A Study of Women's Contributions, 1740 - 1979. Greensboro: Greensboro Printing Co., 1979.
Koontz, Elizabeth Duncan. Best Kept Secret of the Past 5,000 Years: Women are Ready for Leadership in Education. Bloomington, IL: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1972, p. 30.
Lerner, Gerda, ed. Black Women in White America: A Documentary History. New York: Vintage Books, 1972.
The Female Experience: An American Documentary. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1977.
The Majority Finds Its Past: Placing Women in History. New York: oxford U P, 1979.
Locke, Alain, ed. The New Negro. New York: Antheneum, 1975.
Long, Hollis Moody. Public Education for Negroes in North Carolina. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teacher's College, Columbia University, 1932.
Lowenburg, Bert James and Ruth Begin, ed. Black Women in Nineteenth Century American Life. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University, 1976.
Marteena, Constance Hill. The Lengthening Shadow of a Woman: A Biography of Charlotte Hawkins Brown. Hicksville, New York: Exposition Press, 1977.
Neverdon-Morton, Cynthia. "The Black Woman's Struggle for Equality in the South, 1895 - 1925." In Afro-American Woman: Struggles and Images, eds. Sharon Hurley, and Rosalyn Terborg-Penn, 43 - 57.
North Carolina Historic Sites. Division of Archives and History. Department of Cultural Resources. Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum North Carolina's First Site Honoring the Contributions of Its African American Citizens. Raleigh, NC: SPO, 1995.
Oxley, Lawrence A. The North Carolina Negro. Illinois: Reprinted from: Welfare Magazine, 1927.
Palmer, George Herbert. The Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1908.
Silcox-Jarrett, Diane. Charlotte Hawkins Brown: One Woman's Dream. Winston-Salem, NC: Bandit Books, Inc., 1995.
Smith, Charles Lee. The History of Education in North Carolina. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, Bureau of Education Circular of Information No. 2, 1888.
Terborg-Penn, Rosalyn and Sharon Harley, eds. The Afro-American Woman: Struggles and Images. Port Washington, New York, 1978.
Toppin, Edgar A. A Bibliography History of Blacks in America Since 1528. New York: 1969.
Thernstrom, Stephen. The Other Bostonians: Poverty and Progress in the American Metropolis, 1880 - 1970. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U P, 1971.
Wadelington, Charles W., and Richard F. Knapp. Charlotte Hawkins Brown and Palmer Memorial Institute: What One Young African American Woman Could Do. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1999.
Walker, Alice. In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanich, Inc., 1973.
Waynick, Capus M., Brooks, John C., Pitts, Elsie W., ed. North Carolina and The Negro. Raleigh: North Carolina Mayors' Co-operation Committee, 1964.
Wilcox, Rothwell. Private Secondary Education in the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States. Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press, 1932.
Wilson, Jeremiah Moses. The Golden Age of Black Nationalism: 1850 - 1925. Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books, 1978.
Woodson, Carter G. The Education of the Negro Prior to 1861. Washington, D. C.: The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 1919.
The Negro in Our History. Washington, D.C.: The Associated Publishers, 1927.