For Educators

Perhaps one of the greatest assets to Guilford County’s historical and cultural resources is the Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum in Sedalia. Situated conveniently between Burlington and Greensboro, the Museum commemorates the work of Dr. Brown and exposes today’s students to student life at an elite Black boarding school in the 1900s. The Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum serves as a valuable teaching tool and provides students an opportunity to learn about North Carolina’s history with an emphasis on the education of African Americans. Students also explore the benefits and challenges associated with education during times of segregation and Jim Crow laws. Most importantly, the Museum depicts the evolution of the school Dr. Brown founded, Palmer Memorial Institute, from an agriculturally based education to one of academic rigor.

Students who come to the Museum may take a walking tour of the school’s campus, visit Dr. Brown’s home, view artifacts related to Palmer Memorial Institute, and participate in a variety of educational activities. Modifications can be made for any age or grade level and all field trip programs meet current curriculum standards. Lunch accommodations are available for field trips.

The staff at the Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum looks forward to meeting you and your students. 

For information on pricing, availability and field trip scheduling, please contact the staff at or 336-449-3310.

Field trips must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. To schedule a tour, reach out to us and let us know:

  • Date & time you would like to visit
  • Time allotted for your visit (field trips take approximately 2 hours)
  • Group size, including number of teachers and chaperones
  • Age and/or grade level
  • Any special accommodations or accessibility needs
  • Specific topics you would like to have addressed

A confirmation of the tour will be emailed to the contact teacher or group leader. 

History of Black Education in NC Teaching Guide

Field Trip Options

We have a variety of field trip options to fit your needs. Our most popular field trip formats are:

25 Students or Less25-50 Students50-75 Students
Students will stay in one groupStudents will be split into two groupsStudents will be split into three groups
Canary Cottage Tour (35 minutes)Station 1: Canary CottageStation 1: Canary Cottage 
Campus Tour (35 minutes)Station 2: Campus TourStation 2: Campus Tour
  Station 3: Program 

Groups of larger than 75 can be accommodated, just talk to a staff member. 

All field trips must include a tour of either Canary or the Campus, let staff know if you have a preference. 

Field Trip Programs 

Zoom into Canary Cottage (Free & Virtual)
  • Recommended for: K—12th (All Ages)
  • Clarifying Objectives: Social Studies—K.B.1.3, K.C&G.1.2, K.H.1.1, K.H.1.2, K.H.1.3, 1.C&G.1.1, 1.H.1.1, 2.H.1.1, 2.H.1.2, 3.H.1.1, 3.H.1.2, 4.H.1.1, $.H.1.2, 5.H.1.1, 7.B.1.2, 7.H.1.5, 8.B.1.2, 8.H.1.3, 8.H.1.4, 8.H.2.2, 8.H.2.3, AH.E.1.5, AH.H.1.1, AH.H.1.2, AH.H.3.3, AH.H.3.4
  • Main/Key Objective: Students will understand the life of Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown and her work as Palmer’s President and Founder, Educator, and Civil Rights Activist.
  • Modifications: Younger children may focus on change over time and how the home looks compared to their homes today. Older children will receive more in-depth information on Palmer’s role as a board-ing school for Black children during Jim Crow and Dr. Brown’s role as an educator and activist.
  • Lesson and Activity Description: Staff will take students on a virtual tour of Canary Cottage, giving them information about the home as well as the background of Palmer Memorial Institute. Time is available at the end of each room for questions, which will be moderated via second-staff and teachers.


Art at Palmer Memorial Institute (Free)
  • Recommended for: K-8
  • Clarifying Objectives: Visual Arts— K.CX.1.3, 1.V.3.2, 1.CX.1.4, 1.CX.1.5, 2.V.3.1, 2.CX.1.3, 3.V.2.3, 3.CX.1.3, 3.CX.2.3, 4.V.1.2, 4.V.3.3, 5.V.1.1, 5.V.1.3, 5.V.2.3, 6.CX.1.2, 7.V.1.3, 8.CX.1.2
  • Main/Key Objective: Students will understand the role that artist Lois Mailou Jones and art played in the education of students at Palmer Memorial Institute.
  • Modifications: Younger children may focus on different styles of art and creating their own with existing works. Older children may discuss different art movements and create their own work.
  • Lesson and Activity Description: Students use Lois Mailou Jones’ art and information about the art department at Palmer Memorial Institute to discuss the importance of the subject, as well as different art movements and their role in history. Afterwards, students will either put together a pre-colored puzzle to create their own art (k-2) or color, cut and paste to create their own abstract art piece (3-8).


Wayside Scavenger Hunt (Free)
  • Recommended for: Grades 4-8
  • Clarifying Objectives: Social Studies— 4.H.1.1, 4.H.1.2, 4.B.1.1, 5.H.1.1, 7.H.1.5, 8.H.1.3, 8.H.1.4, 8.H.2.3, 8.C&G.2.1, AH.H.1.1, AH.C&G.1.3, AH.C&G.1.4
  • Main/Key Objective: Students will utilize the wayside self-guided tour across campus to learn more about the buildings and history of Palmer Memorial Institute. This will allow students the opportunity to interact more broadly with most of Palmer’s campus.
  • Modifications: Modifications can be made for all audiences. Older students will have more of a traditional fact find and younger students can have a more engaged scavenger hunt that has them draw pictures and find answers.
  • Lesson and Activity Description: After a brief campus tour, students will be handed a wayside fact find and a pencil and will be sent out to wander campus and learn more about the site. The campus tour will orient them to what a wayside is, how to use them and where to find them. All answers to the scavenger hunt can be found on the waysides.


Black History and Palmer (Free)
  • Recommended for: Grades 4-12
  • Clarifying Objectives: Social Studies— 4.H.1.1, 4.H.1.2, 4.B.1.1, 5.H.1.1, 7.H.1.5, 8.H.1.3, 8.H.1.4, 8.H.2.3, 8.C&G.2.1, AH.H.1.1, AH.C&G.1.3, AH.C&G.1.4
  • Main/Key Objective: Students will be able to analyze sources and draw conclusions about the accomplishments and influences of African Americans. Emphasis changes based on audience
  • Modifications: Younger audiences will have a short presentation and will do a matching activity to show what they learned. Older students will use sources to learn about the work of the people dis-cussed and what impact they had on Palmer and Black History.
  • Lesson and Activity Description: Students use pictures and other sources to understand influential African Americans and their relationship to North Carolina and Palmer history. Emphasis on the Harlem Renaissance, Black Education, Civil Rights Movement, and Jim Crow.


Women of Palmer and North Carolina (Free)
  • Recommended for: 4-12
  • Clarifying Objectives: Social Studies— 4.H.1.1, 4.H.1.2, 4.B.1.1, 5.H.1.1, 7.H.1.5, 8.H.1.3, 8.H.1.4, 8.H.2.3, 8.C&G.2.1, AH.H.1.1, AH.C&G.1.3, AH.C&G.1.4
  • Main/Key Objective: Students will be able to analyze sources and draw conclusions about the accomplishments and influences of women in North Carolina.
  • Modifications: Younger audiences will have a short presentation and will do an activity to show what they learned. Older students will use primary sources to learn about the work of the people dis-cussed, and what impact they had on Palmer.
  • Lesson and Activity Description: Students use primary sources to understand influential women and their relationship to North Carolina and Palmer history. Emphasis on the accomplishments and lives of Charlotte Hawkins Brown, Alice Freeman Palmer, Mary McLeod Bethune, Wilhelmina Crosson, Maria Hawkins Cole and others.
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