CSS Neuse and Governor Richard Caswell Memorial

Visit CSS Neuse Civil War Museum and Governor Richard Caswell Memorial

Glimpses into two of our nation's most pivotal wars can be found within the city of Kinston at two different historic sites. At the Governor Richard Caswell Memorial, located on Vernon Avenue, you will explore the celebrated life of Richard Caswell, the first governor of the independent state of North Carolina, and his role in establishing North Carolina as part of the United States. 

At the CSS Neuse Civil War Museum, which is now located downtown, you will see the remains of the Confederate ironclad, the CSS Neuse. The museum's first floor offers visitors valuable insight into Kinston's location, the ship's historical significance, sailor life, and the ship's recovery. The mezzanine level boasts a range of exhibits that showcase the rich history of Lenoir County, including topics such as textiles, mourning, and the Civil War in eastern North Carolina. Visitors will have the opportunity to delve into the history of Burnside's Expedition, Battles in Kinston during the war, and the end of the war in North Carolina.

Plan Your Visit

Location and Hours

CSS Neuse Civil War Museum
100 N. Queen St.
Kinston, NC 28501

Tuesday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Closed Sunday, Monday, and designated state holidays (link to state holidays)


Gov. Richard Caswell Memorial
2612 W. Vernon Ave. (U.S. 70 Bus.)
Kinston, NC 28504

Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Closed on designated state holidays (link to state holidays)


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