WWII Gallery
Selected images associated with U.S. Army antiaircraft artillery training at Fort Fisher during World War II . . .
Historic Ft. Fisher Once Again Will Hear Roar of Gunfire
FIRING POINT — Old Ft. Fisher, which defended one of the last open ports of the Confederacy, once more will resound and shutter to heavy gunfire as plans move rapidly ahead on construction of a firing point at the fort for Camp Davis in eastern North Carolina . . . . Below, army officers and engineers are shown studying a topography chart of the Ft. Fisher area relative to construction work, which already is under way. The firing point at the fort will be the first of several to operate in connection with Camp Davis. — Greensboro Daily News, April 27, 1941

North Carolina Office of Archives & History

Firing Range North Carolina Office of Archives
& History

Environment Fort
Fisher Firing Range
North Carolina Office
of Archives & History

Fisher Firing Range North
Carolina Office of Archives &