Apple Index - "L"


Two Yellow Apples

Description: Fruit small to medium; skin greenish yellow, dots small, inconspicuous; cavity shallow, acute with moderately long stem; basin shallow, medium, calyx mostly closed.  Ripe Late July.  Found by Tom Brown near Stony Point NC.

Uses: Fresh Eating


Two Red Apples

Description: Fruit medium, roundish to slightly oblong, quite conical, often oblique; skin blushed and obscurely striped with light red; dots numerous, small, whitish and russet, often indented. Flesh crisp, juicy, fine-grained, almost sweet. Ripe late August/September.

History: A Lacy apple was listed without description by two Virginia nurseries in 1858 and 1869. This variety has been grown in Union County, North Carolina. Tim Vaughn of Monroe, North Carolina, says that his grandparents remember their grandparents growing Lacy apples.

Uses: Fresh Eating, Cooking, Drying


Lady (Lady Apple, Api, Pomme d'Api, Wax Apple, Lady's Finger, Christmas Apple)

Two Red Apples and Watercolor Print

Description: Fruit small to very small, usually oblate but sometimes roundish; skin smooth, glossy, bright red on the sunny side and yellowish on the other side or where shaded by a leaf; dots minute, whitish or with russet points. Flesh white, firm, fine-grained, crisp, juicy, aromatic, mild subacid to nearly sweet. Ripe late August/September in most of the South but later at higher elevations and latitudes.  Ripe October most years in SHAO.

History: Lady is an ancient French variety, dating back at least four hundred years. It has been grown in the American South for centuries, being listed in the earliest southern nursery catalogs.

Uses: Fresh Eating, Stores well

Lady Skin

Two Yellow Apples

Description: Medium size, roundish oblate; skin yellow with a pink blush on the sunny side; flesh crisp juicy, mildly acid. Ripe August in SHAO.

History: Trees of this apple were found by Tom Brown in both Canton and Clyde, North Carolina.


Langdon (Morgan, Ledbetter, White Apple)

Two Yellow Apples with Watercolor Print

Description: Fruit medium or above, roundish to slightly oblate, usually ribbed; skin dull light green with occasionally a faint bronze blush on the sunny side; dots numerous, russet, usually areolar. Flesh fine-grained, moderately juicy, mild subacid. Ripe September but can be used for cooking and drying in July and August.

History: Originated before 1896 in Greene County, Tennessee, where it was known as Morgan.

Uses: Cooking, Drying

Laurel's Yellow

Two Yellow Apples

Description: Fruit below medium size, roundish; skin yellow with inconspicuous white dots; cavity shallow, acute, russeted, stem short; basin medium, shallow; calyx mostly open.  Ripens July.

Lawson's Seedling

Two Red Apples

Description: Fruit medium size or above, roundish; skin covered in dull, dark red; dots few, large, whitish. Flesh whitish, fine-grained, moderately crisp and juicy, sweet. Ripe late September/October.

History: Moses Lawson (d. 1934) grew this apple variety from a seed near Lawsonville in Stokes County, North Carolina, where the late Maurice Marshall found a single tree in 1995.

Uses: Fresh Eating

Lawver (Delaware Red Winter, Black Spry, Delaware Winter, Lawyer, Delaware Red)

Two Red Apples and Watercolor Print

Description: Fruit medium to large, roundish or sometimes slightly oblate; skin rough, much covered with scarf skin, usually completely red, which may deepen to purple at the stem end; dots small and large, more numerous near the basin, whitish or russet. Flesh tinged yellowish or greenish, fine-grained, firm, crisp, juicy, subacid, somewhat aromatic. Ripe September/October and an excellent keeper.

History: The origin of Lawver has been variously assigned to Illinois, Missouri, or Kansas. An 1865 issue of Prairie Farmer magazine says: “Mr. George S. Park of Parkville, Missouri, is the originator of this fine apple which was grown from seed planted by a stump near his house, where the tree bore in five years.”

Uses: Cooking, Stores well


Lewis Green

Two Yellow Apples with Watercolor Print

Description: Fruit almost large, oblate; skin greenish yellow, sometimes with a blush; dots numerous, dark and russet. Flesh greenish white, tender, juicy, subacid. Ripe August/September or later.

History: Lewis Green was mentioned briefly at the 1877 meeting of the American Pomological Society, and in 1904 it was said to have originated in Watauga County, North Carolina. It is still grown near Mars Hill in Madison County, North Carolina.

Lieby (Hibernal)

Two Red Apples

Description: Fruit medium or below medium, roundish to roundish conical. Skin yellow completely covered with red stripes, especially on sunny side. Sometimes with russet. Ripens July.

History: Lieby is a Russian variety of apple brought to the United States by the USDA in the 1870s. The 1894 annual report of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society states, "We have some very hardy and good apples among the Russians. Take the Hibernal or Lieby for one...They are as hardy as Duchess, and early and abundant bearers."


Limbertwig Victoria (Sweet Limbertwig)

Two Red Apples

Description: An apple of striking beauty with its purple color and white dots. Very juicy and of excellent quality. Very rich flavor, rated tops for fresh eating. Keeps all winter. Weeping type.  Ripens October.

Uses: Multipurpose, Stores well

Little Benny

Two Red Apples

Description: Fruit small, oblate, conical, often oblique; skin smooth, mostly covered with plum red; dots few, large, whitish. Flesh whitish, moderately juicy and crisp, subacid. Tree is very low-vigor but has a good growth form and is a consistent bearer. Ripe August.

History: In 1995, Bertie Hall of Grantsboro, North Carolina wrote, “Little Benny is a local apple used to be found in a 50 to 75 mile radius, which is about as far distant as anyone ever went back then.” Grantsboro is in extreme eastern North Carolina, so obviously Little Benny is well adapted to the coastal plains of the South.

Uses: Fresh Eating, Cooking


Liveland Raspberry (Livland Raspberry, Lowland Raspberry, Red Cheek)

Two Red Apples and Watercolor Print

Description: Fruit medium to large, roundish conical, flattened on both ends; skin thin, smooth, polished, clear pale yellow overlaid with stripes of bright red that are heavier on the sunny side; dots small and greenish. Flesh white tinged red, fine-grained, very tender, juicy, sprightly subacid. Ripe July.

History: A Russian apple brought to the United States about 1883. It gets its name from the Russian province of Lievland (Livonia, now Lithuania), which borders the Baltic Sea.

Uses: Fresh Eating, Sauce

Long Stem

Two Yellow Apples

Description: Fruit medium, roundish, somewhat lobed; skin clear yellow; dots numerous, medium size, whitish. Ripe July.

History: The circa-1900 catalog of Fought Branch Nurseries of Rockingham County, Virginia, lists a Long Stem.

Uses: Fresh Eating, Cooking

Lonnie's Summer Giant

Two Red Apples

Description: Fruit large, roundish to somewhat oblong, conical; skin pale green mostly covered with light red and obscure darker stripes; dots numerous, gray and greenish. Flesh rather soft, moderately juicy, mild subacid. Ripe July/August.

History: Herbert Childress of Dunnville, Kentucky sent Lee Calhoun scions of this tree in 1996 with a note saying “I don’t know the real name as I got the wood from an old tree on a homestead that once belonged to Lonnie Luttrell." A huge summer apple with pale pink stripes. Flavor so-so.


Lowry (Dixie, Mosby’s Best, Red Winter)

Two Red Apples and Watercolor Print

Description: Fruit medium, roundish, slightly conical, flattened on the ends; skin dark mahogany red with numerous and conspicuous whitish specks or dots. Flesh yellowish, crisp, juicy, mild subacid. Ripe September/October and a rather good keeper in refrigeration.

History: John Lowry of Afton, Virginia, originated this apple on his farm about 1850 and sent several of his apples to the USDA in 1897. Lowry was sold from 1913 to 1928 by Virginia nurseries.

Uses: Fresh Eating, Cider, Apple Butter, Stores well

Lugar Red

Two Red Apples

Description: Fruit medium or above, roundish or sometimes slightly oblong, conical; skin mostly covered with dark red with indistinct darker red stripes; dots numerous, minute, white or tan. Flesh yellowish, juicy, fine-grained, crisp, subacid. Ripe August/September.

History: A local apple grown for many years in the Sinking Creek area of Craig County, Virginia, and one of the old apple varieties collected and preserved by the late Holland Caldwell in his orchard in Sinking Creek.

Uses: Fresh Eating