Do you have a family connection to Stagville? We can help provide free research services!
Stagville has an extensive African-American genealogy program, focused on tracing the families and descendants of enslaved people from the Bennehan-Cameron plantations. African American descendant surnames connected to Stagville include:
- Amey/Amis
- Bennehan
- Cameron
- Dunnigan
- Edwards
- Hargress (Hargris)
- Hart
- Haskins
- Henderson
- Holman (Holeman)
- Jefferson
- Justice
- Meaks
- Peaks
- Reavis (Revis)
- Sowell
- Turner
- Umstead
- Veasey
- Walker, and more.
Historic Stagville can also offer resources about the Cameron and Bennehan family trees, as well as family tree information about plantation overseers, including the Turrentine, Piper, Southerland, and Bobbitt families.
If you may you have a connection to Stagville, contact us! You can reach our staff at (919) 620-0120 (Tuesday through Saturday, 9 to 5), or by sending an email to Historic Stagville can offer free services to descendants to help research family history, coordinate family visits, assist with materials for family reunions, and digitize family photographs.
Stagville is committed to making our site and its history as accessible as possible for all descendants. Contact us to learn more about options for research support, site visits, descendant events, family history, and more.