Apple Index - "Stump to Swiss Limbertwig"

Description: Fruit medium or below, roundish to slightly oblong, conical; skin smooth, washed, and mottled with pinkish red that is deep red in some apples, indistinctly striped with carmine; dots numerous, areolar with russet or white points. Flesh whitish, rather fine-grained, tender, juicy, aromatic, sprightly subacid. Ripe September.
History: This variety of Stump apple originated before 1875 in Chili, New York, and was sold by several southern nurseries as a high-quality, early-autumn apple of brilliant color.
Uses: Fresh Eating, Does not keep well
Stump the World

Description: Fruit large, roundish conical, somewhat lobed; skin yellow with faint bronzing on the sunny side; dots numerous, large and small, russet, some areole. Flesh rather coarse, whitish, moderately juicy, mild subacid. Ripe October.
History: Listed without description in 1905 by the Robbins Nursery Company of Powells Station, Tennessee. In 1999 Tom Brown found an apple of this name near Roan Mountain, Tennessee, belonging to Raymond Dugger.
Sugar Apple

Description: Fruit medium, roundish conical; skin mostly covered in dark red; dots numerous, small, gray. Ripe October.
History: Grown in eastern North Carolina near Grantsboro. Lee Calhoun received scions from Mrs. C. F. Hall, who described the apple as “no good for cooking but extremely good to eat. Very sweet, sort of crumbly white flesh.”
Uses: Fresh Eating
Sugar Core

Description: Fruit large, roundish to roundish conical; skin greenish yellow completely covered in light pinkish red with darker stripes; dots brown, inconspicuous; cavity shallow, acute often with russet spilling over top; stem thick, short; basin shallow, narrow with partially open calyx. Ripe September.
History: Origin unknown, found by Tom Brown of Clemmons, North Carolina.
Sulser Red

Description: Fruit medium or slightly above, roundish, often oblique; skin smooth, almost entirely red with virtually no stripes and with a heavy whitish bloom on the skin; dots numerous, small, gray. Flesh pale yellow, crisp, moderately juicy, mild subacid. Ripe September/October.
History: When a single unidentified tree was found by Dr. L. R. Littleton in West Virginia in 1996, belonging to Harry Sulser, Dr. Littleton named it Sulser Red for the family and the apple’s color. This apple closely matches the description of Via’s Seedling, considered extinct, and may be identical to it.
Uses: Fresh Eating
Summer Banana

Description: Fruit medium or above, roundish, slightly conical; skin yellow sometimes with light red and pink stripes; dots numerous, russet. Flesh has faint banana aroma. Ripe September.
History: The original tree grew in Marion County, South Carolina. Summer Banana was sold from 1890 to 1925 by two North Carolina nurseries and was trademarked about 1900 by the J. Van Lindley Nursery of Greensboro.
Uses: Fresh Eating, Cooking, Does not keep well
Summer Buff

Description: Fruit medium or above, oblong; skin yellowish mostly covered with splotches and stripes of red especially on sunny side, often has netting of russet; dots brown, large; cavity shallow, acute, often russet spilling over top; stem medium; basin somewhat shallow, medium with open calyx. Ripens September.
History: Origin unknown, found by Tom Brown of Clemmons, North Carolina.
Summer Cheese

Description: Fruit medium to large, oblate; skin yellow, occasionally blushed on the sunny side; flesh juicy, acid. Ripe August/ September.
History: Tom Brown found a tree in Traphill, North Carolina, owned by Dean Mathis, that was grafted from a much older tree about forty years ago.
Summer King (King, Bounty, Kentucky Summer Queen, Puckett’s Summer, Cheese, Puckett, Summer Cheese, Summer King of Kerr, August Apple)

Description: Fruit medium to large, roundish conical; skin tough, smooth, washed and marbled with mixed red and striped with broken crimson, overspread with a gray bloom; dots numerous, yellowish or light gray, sometimes russet. Flesh whitish yellow, fine-grained, tender, brittle, juicy, mild subacid. Ripe late July/August and keeps for six weeks.
History: Introduced into Kentucky by settlers from North Carolina, perhaps as early as 1807. It was called King in Kentucky and was an important apple in Warren and Todd counties around 1850.
Uses: Fresh Eating, Keeps well for the Season
Summer Ladyfinger

Description: Fruit large, quite oblong conical; skin smooth, light green to yellowish with pinkish red and broken, darker red stripes on the sunny side and with some scarf skin; dots numerous, small, gray and whitish. Flesh fine-grained, moderately juicy and crisp, subacid. Ripe mid-July.
History: Found in 1994 in an old orchard near Fries, Virginia. Apples with Ladyfinger in their name are usually oblong.
Summer Yellow Limbertwig

Description: Fruit medium, oblate to roundish; skin yellow with sparce brown dots; cavity medium, acuminate, sometimes with russet around the stem; stem medium; basin medium, somewhat shallow with open calyx. Ripe September.
Uses: Fresh Eating, Cider
Summer Queen (Early Queen, Lancaster Queen, Orange Apple, Pole Cat, Queen, Sharpe’s Early, Swett’s Harvest, Sweet’s Harvest)

Description: Fruit medium to large, roundish conical; skin pale to deep yellow striped with red, which is sometimes described as dull red or dark crimson; dots small, yellow. Flesh yellow, aromatic, juicy, slightly coarse, spicy subacid. Ripe July/August.
History: A very popular apple in the South at one time and listed in southern nursery catalogs for over 130 years. Coxe (1817) describes Summer Queen, and it may be of New Jersey origin, although an apple of this name was listed by a Delaware nursery in 1791.
Uses: Fresh Eating, Cooking, Drying
Summer Rambo (Summer Rambo of Pennsylvania, Frank Rambo, Rambour d’Ete, Rambour Franc, Summer Rambour, Imperial Rambo, Redsumbo)

Description: Fruit above medium to sometimes large, roundish oblate to oblate, ribbed, sides often unequal; skin thick, smooth, washed and mottled with pinkish red and striped with carmine, particularly on the sunny side; dots numerous, usually small and submerged, but some large, brown or russet. Flesh greenish yellow, tender, breaking, somewhat coarse, very juicy, mild subacid. Ripe August/September.
History: An old French apple very popular in Maryland and Virginia and states further north and west until World War I. It reportedly originated in the early 1600s in the French village of Rembures in Picardy and was being grown in England in 1665. It has probably been in this country since colonial times.
Uses: Fresh Cooking, Sauce
Summer Rose (Simm’s Harvest, Glass Apple, Lippincott, Lippincott’s Early, Lodges’ Early, Wolman’s Harvest, Woolman’s Early, Woolman’s Striped Harvest, French Reinette, Harvest Apple, Symm’s Harvest)

Description: Fruit small to almost medium, sometimes roundish but usually oblate; skin smooth, waxen, mostly blushed and striped with bright red on the sunny side, sometimes completely red; dots very small, white, reddish or green. Flesh white, fine-grained, tender, crisp, juicy except when overripe, sprightly subacid. Ripe July.
History: A New Jersey apple first mentioned in 1806. Sold in southern nurseries over a long period.
Uses: Fresh Eating, Cooking, Does not keep well
Sunday Sweet

Description: Fruit small or slightly above, roundish or a little oblong; skin light yellow partly covered with russet splotches and irregular, large dots. Ripe late July/August.
History: Warder (1867) very briefly describes a Sunday Sweet apple, which he thought was possibly of Illinois origin. Greg Lam of Elkton, Virginia, wrote to Lee Calhoun: “Sunday Sweet, or Sweetning as some call it, was grown by many in my area in earlier times…This surviving tree was planted by my great-great-grandfather Gilbert Bailey. His son Marvin Bailey, who died last year at age eighty-eight, told me about the tree.”
Uses: Fresh Eating, Cooking
Swaar (Hardwick)

Description: Fruit above medium to large, usually roundish but varying from slightly oblate to somewhat oblong, often ribbed; skin tough, rough, greenish yellow when picked but changing to a deep yellow when ripened in storage, often shaded with a bronze or gray russet; dots numerous, greenish or russet; stem medium length and slender in an acute, round, rather deep, russeted cavity; calyx closed or partially closed; basin usually rather shallow, wide and slightly furrowed. Ripe October.
History: Originated with Dutch settlers in the 1700's in the Hudson River Valley. It is an eating apple with too little acid to be valuable for cooking.
Uses: Fresh Eating, Stores well
Sweet Dixon

Description: Fruit medium or below, roundish to slightly oblate and sometimes oblique; skin pale yellow with scattered, broken, pale reddish stripes, with some apples mostly red; dots inconspicuous, numerous, gray, some with russet centers. Flesh whitish, moderately crisp and juicy, barely sweet. Ripe September.
History: Recollections by elderly people show that this apple was widely grown in Watauga County, North Carolina, early in the 1900s.
Uses: Fresh Eating
Sweet Lannie

Description: Fruit medium or below, roundish conical; skin yellow with some russet dots and patches and a russeted cavity. Ripe July/August.
History: Lona Akers of Max Meadows, Virginia, had the last remaining three trees, but Sweet Lannie was once widely grown in her area. Dr. L. R. Littleton found this apple in 1996.
Sweet Limbertwig (Harpole)

Description: Fruit medium to large, oblate conical; skin thick, tough, rough, yellow, mostly covered with crimson with dark red stripes, often with a gray bloom; dots conspicuous, yellow, some indented. Flesh greenish yellow, fine-grained, tender, juicy, sweet. Ripe September/October.
History: This apple originated before 1860 in either Grundy or Warren County, Tennessee, and was brought to attention by M. M. Harpole of Coffey County, Tennessee. It was sold by Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia nurseries from 1890 to 1917, and probably is the same apple as Limbertwig Victoria.
Uses: Multipurpose, Stores well
Sweet Winesap (Henrick Sweet, Henry Sweet, Ladies Sweet, Red Sweet Winesap, Sweet Pearmain, Rose Sweet, Hendrick)

Description: Fruit medium or above, roundish conical, often oblique; skin almost entirely overspread with red and narrow carmine stripes, often with a thin bloom and scarf skin; dots medium, whitish or russet. Flesh white, moderately crisp, fine grained, tender, juicy, very sweet. Ripe September and a good keeper.
History: Originated in Pennsylvania and grown commercially in New York around 1900 for shipment to southern markets as a high-quality, good-keeping apple. Sweet Winesap was little grown in the South as it was listed by only three Virginia nurseries between 1858 and 1928.
Uses: Fresh Eating, Cider, Does not keep well
Swiss Limbertwig

An unusual colored apple. Maroon color with white pips. A real beauty. Grown by early Swiss settlers of the Cumberland Mountains. Excellent commercial variety. When fully ripe, this apple can taste like a grapefruit. Trees are consistent bearers, ripe mid to late October.
Uses: Multipurpose, Stores well