For Educators

For information on any of the below programs or features, please contact Capitol staff at 984-867-8340 or


All group tours and field trips are scheduled through Capital Area Visitor Services (CAVS) and require a minimum of two weeks notice. To learn more and to schedule your field trip, visit CAVS online at  

Explore the Square

You can explore historic Union Square using a scavenger hunt. Print the scavenger hunt linked at the bottom of this page or request a copy from Capitol staff when you arrive. The scavenger hunt's clues correspond to places all over the grounds. Once you solve the clue and locate the correct spot, scan the QR code next to the clue to watch a video with more information!

Virtual Programs

The State Capitol offers virtual programs by request.  These programs feature live instruction and are offered to classes or groups at no cost. To sign up for a program or ask questions, contact us at 

Teachers or group leaders may choose from one of four options (listed below) for a virtual program. All programs adhere to curriculum standards. Lesson plans for each program are linked below.  

1.) The State Seal of NC: This lesson reviews the history of the seal and the symbolism of the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina. Recommended for 4th grade or younger. State Seal Lesson Plan.

2.) Let's Talk About Voting! This lesson teaches the evolution of voting using the lens of North Carolina and the State Capitol. It also explores facets of modern elections. Lesson includes a mock election. Recommended for 4th & 5th grade. Let's Talk About Voting Lesson Plan

3.) The People's House? Slavery in the NC State Capitol: This lesson addresses slavery, race, and power through the North Carolina State Capitol. It shows what information can be found about the enslaved African Americans who constructed the Capitol building using primary sources and is designed to fit into discussions of American slavery with tangible, concrete examples from North Carolina. Two versions are offered - recommended 4th & 5th grade or for High School. Slavery in the Capitol Lesson Plan


Learn at Home with the NC State Capitol!

How tall is the Capitol? When was the cornerstone laid? What is in their collection? Who actually works there today? And how old is it anyway? 

Do you have questions about the North Carolina State Capitol? Check out our Learn At Home videos where we answer your questions and share our favorite facts and stories about the Capitol. Visit our Youtube page and look for the Learn at Home logo. 

North Carolina State Capitol
4624 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4624
Phone: (984) 867-8340

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