Digital Resources
Historic Kitchen Garden Brochure - Learn more about our kitchen garden and understand the historic methods, structures, layout and plants we've chosen. The web version is a bit easier to read on a screen, while the print version can be printed and folded into a typical tri-fold brochure. (Print Version)
Photographic Tour - Whether you are not able to tour the historic cabins or would like to get more info before or after a visit, check out this photographic version of our tour!
Historic Grounds Scavenger Hunt - This simple scavenger hunt is great for the little ones in your family. You can either print a copy or bring it up on your phone the next time you have a chance to visit our grounds.
Cooking for the (future) President: North Carolina Museum of History LIVE! - Get a look inside our log cabin and learn about cooking at the turn of the 19th century during this hour long live video filmed at our site.
YouTube - Check out our videos on YouTube to learn some Polk facts or a new craft project to try!
Resources from Around the State
Tour NC History @ Home

Tour NC History @ Home allows you to explore and experience the rich history of our state wherever you are. Here you’ll find virtual tours, hand-on activities, and opportunities to travel back in time.
These resources allow teachers, students, and every North Carolina citizen the chance to virtually visit all our NC Historic Sites. We invite you to open doors into the past and more fully understand the world we live in today with Tour NC History @ Home!
NC Learn

NCLearn is a gathering place for NC DNCR online content and educational resources in one place for teachers, students, parents, and anyone needing enriching experiences, regardless of their location. Here you'll find lesson plans, educator resources, State Library and State Archives collections, and virtual assistance from state librarians and educators, as well as offerings from our state's natural and cultural institutions. Share with us how you're learning at home with #NCLearn.