Glossary of Terms
Glossary of terms that may be encountered in the Apple Index's descriptions of apple varieties:
Size Descriptors
Apples come in a wide variety of sizes:
Very Small | below 35 mm |
Small | 35-50 mm |
Below Medium | 50-60 mm |
Medium | 60-70 mm |
Above Medium | 70-80 mm |
Large | 80-95 mm |
Very Large | 95-110 mm |
Extremely Large | over 110 mm |
Uniformity indicates whether the apple sizes within the variety are uniform or variable.
Color Descriptors
In apples, a distinction is made between the apple's ground color and its over-color. Undercolors are typically a shade of green, yellow, or nearly white.
Apple overcolors are typically a shade of red, ranging from pink to scarlet to crimson.
This describes how the overcolor is distributed over the base color. Descriptors include:
- Blushed
- Streaked
- Mottled
- Striped
- Splashed
Russet is a brown scarring sometimes seen on the apple's skin. It is typically a genetic trait in certain varieties. Russet is described by how widespread it is on the skin:
- Dense
- Irregular
- Thin
- Scattered
Bloom is a whitish overcolor on the surface of the apple. It is described by amount (much, medium, or little) and kind (waxy, greasy). Amount is determined by scraping the bloom off with a sharp knife.
Skin Descriptors
Skin is described as thick, medium, or thin.
Skin texture is described as tough, medium, or tender.
Apple skin can have a wide variety of textures. These are commonly described as:
- Smooth
- Shining
- Rough
- Dull
- Lumpy
Dots are extremely common on apple skins, and can be helpful in describing the apple appearance. First, dots are described by how obvious they are on the skin:
- Conspicuous
- Obscure
- Inconspicuous
By quantity:
- Many
- Medium
- Few
By size:
- Minute
- Small
- Medium
- Large
By form or shape:
- Round
- Stellate
- Angular
- Areolar
By color:
- White
- Gray
- Brown
By distribution:
- Uniform
- Not Uniform
and by prominence:
- Sunken
- Even
- Raised
- Submerged
The flesh of the apple is described by:
- White
- Yellow
- Green
- Fine
- Medium
- Coarse
- Buttery
- Melting
- Firm
- Breaking
- Crisp
and by Juiciness:
- Little
- Medium
- Much
Descriptions for apple flavor are determined by the ratio of sugars to acid.
- Acid (tends to be a tart or bitter apple)
- Sub-Acid (not a tart apple)
- Sweet (a very sweet apple with little to no tartness to cut it)
Additional definitions and clarifications:
Family Apple - A unique apple passed down within a single family like a family heirloom
Local Apple - An apple variety that was shared through a community
Historical Apple - Any apple for which there is a written record
Synonyms - many of the varieties listed in the index has a name followed by a list of additional names in parentheses. These are other names by which this variety has been known.
Ripening times - The ripening times listed are when the apples will ripen in central North Carolina and north central South Carolina (both Zone 7B)